Only Friends are in Your Joy and Sorrow

Friends are supposed to multiply joy. Multiplying joy had happened many times over the number of years that had passed. Friends are supposed to share joy because joy grows and it grows like a virus. Everyone the joy touches is suddenly infected with the joy shared.

What about in sorrow?

When friends are together a sorrow is a sorrow divided. This means friends together are able to help take away some of the sorrow of the one who is hurting. They may not be able to take it away, but they can help make it smaller. They also make it easier to get over, so the person can move on faster.

What about in this case?

When a friend is only there for the joy and for their own sorrow then the system begins to collapse. It may take a while or it may happen suddenly. But once the friends realize that someone is only in the friendship for the joy or to divide their own sorrow, they recognize the friendship is a one way street.

Does this sound familiar?

If your friends are only there for your joy and not for your sorrow, it may be time to look for different friends. Changing friends is hard, but just slowly reduce the amount of time with that person who is not truly your friend. If you are seeing a reflection of yourself in these words it is time to change. Your friends need you to be a friend in joy and in sorrow. There is a magical growth or connection in being a friend in both.
